Welcome Team
You are the face of Faith Church. From the parking lot to the front door when guests arrive, YOU are the first person they see. Welcome Team members include greeters & ushers. Greeters are asked to welcome those who come into the church with a smiling face, making first time attenders feel at home and serving at the connection desk. Ushers help to receive the tithes and offerings, help guests to find a seat, making sure our parking lot is friendly and safe as well as providing security for the church.
Children's Ministry
"Raise up a child in the way they should go..."
No matter if you're serving within our Faith Babies, Faith Toddlers, or Faith Kids you will always have "The Joy of the Lord" in your heart while serving in any of these Children's Ministries. Join the FUN!!!
No matter if you're serving within our Faith Babies, Faith Toddlers, or Faith Kids you will always have "The Joy of the Lord" in your heart while serving in any of these Children's Ministries. Join the FUN!!!
Praise & Worship
Praise & Worship is an important role in the House of God. We have many opportunities to serve on our choir team as well as those who can play any instrument for God. Praise & Worship practice is held each Wednesday at 5:30pm
& every Sunday at 8:30am.
& every Sunday at 8:30am.
Media Team
The Media Team plays an important role within the planning of each service. It is required to have knowledge about basic technology along with being teachable while learning all that is required within the Media Team. Team members will be responsible for many different roles such as uploading the lyrics & bible verses needed for each service, running the live feed, learning how to start up/shut down the equipment needed for each service, lighting & learning how to run the soundboard. Members will learn the areas they are most needed in & may be asked to do more than one job during service.
Hospitality Team
Our hospitality team is responsible for a variety of duties such as keeping the House of God clean, preparing the baptistry, organizing the seats in the church, and refilling the various church envelopes. Opportunities to clean God's House are available from Thursday to Saturday
at your convenience.
at your convenience.
Special Events
Special events are designed to reach others, both members and guest, through fellowship by hosting events such as chili cook offs, fish fries and seasonal events. These events are a great opportunity to invite others to our church.
The Special Events Team is responsible for setting up each event, serving during the event & cleaning afterwards.
The Special Events Team is responsible for setting up each event, serving during the event & cleaning afterwards.
Communications Team
Building relationships with others is an important part of this ministry in the Church. Our Communcations Team is designed to help individuals grow spiritually through being a service pastor. Teams Member will also follow up on first time guests and connect current and
new members to our church.
new members to our church.
Social Media Engagement
If you have a social media account, this is the perfect ministry for you! Faith Church provides a live feed of our Sunday service & upcoming events on Instagram as well as on our website.
By serving on this team, you can share what's happening within Faith Church through your personal social media pages such as
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
By serving on this team, you can share what's happening within Faith Church through your personal social media pages such as
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Faith Cafe & Store
The Faith Cafe is open each Wednesday from 6:00-7:00pm & Sunday from 9:00-10:00am before each church service. Serving in the Faith Cafe is a great opportunity to fellowship with others while providing a variety of snacks, beverages & other Faith Church merchandise.
Intercessory Prayer
"Pray continually"
Intercessory Prayer meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm to pray for submitted prayer request along with a prayer chain for those who need immediate prayer throughout the week.
Prayer Partners are also on a rotating schedule to pray during Sunday morning altar call.
Intercessory Prayer meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm to pray for submitted prayer request along with a prayer chain for those who need immediate prayer throughout the week.
Prayer Partners are also on a rotating schedule to pray during Sunday morning altar call.
Outreach Team
"Go into all the World"
Outreach is a cornerstone ministry of who we are here at Faith Church. Team members will assist with service projects, local missions, and also meeting specific needs of those in our church family and community.
Outreach is a cornerstone ministry of who we are here at Faith Church. Team members will assist with service projects, local missions, and also meeting specific needs of those in our church family and community.
Maintenance Team
Maintenace Team members help to keep the church up & running by working on things such as lighting, plumbing, roofing, etc. Periodically we will schedule work days to tend to specific needs of the church grounds.